Playing Piano Songs By Ear

There’s nothing more beautiful the sitting around with friends and listening to your favorite piano songs. What person doesn’t dream about walking over to this beautiful instrument and dazzling their guest by playing timeless piano songs? Play Piano By EarMany great artists have performed wonderful piano songs throughout the ages, and now you can to.

It was once thought that playing piano songs that inspire people was only reserved for the musically gifted. The truth is, when you connect with the right music educator with a thoroughly knowledge and training in contemporary music education, playing piano songs is quickly within your reach.

Seasoned musicians have a knack for creating emotion tension when playing piano songs.  This fully engages their audiences. Fancy run, fills an licks are just a few creative elements they use to engage their listeners. Cascading scales, arpeggios, and contemporary harmony are also highly effective for playing piano songs and drawing your audience closer to the music.

The right music educator should inspire you to listen to a wide variety of musical styles. Creativity comes from listening. Listening is where we get inspiration and ideas. A solid regiment for a music student should be 30% practice and 70% listening. Piano songs that inspire us are a combination of what we critically listen to. For example if we listen to and lot of jazz, our piano songs tend to have a jazzy flavor. When we listen to a heavy dose of pop music piano songs, the music will carry a strong pop flavor. In other words the music we listen to will subconsciously affect the way we play and the overall sound of our music.

play piano songsAll music genres contained musical elements that make piano songs sound authentic. In other words if you want your piano songs to emulate a strong classical flavor I wouldn’t recommend you mix a blues scale with your sonata. By the same token is you’re playing piano songs with an R&B groove it would be ill advise to use an Alberti Bass line in your piano songs.

Learning piano songs can be exciting. Make sure you surround yourself with a music educator that is skilled and knowledgeable in the piano songs that you’re passionate about. Many traditional music instructors will insist that you study formal classical piano method and it will you lead you to any genre of music you want to play. Be very careful of this. Although traditional classical had many benefits it’s only a path for only learning classical piano songs.
If your desire is to learn gospel, jazz, pop, R&B and Contemporary Christian piano songs, I prepared
4 video lesson tutorials for you that are ABSOUTELY FREE to get you started playing the piano songs you love. “CLICK HERE” for instant access and I’ll see you on the other side.

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I'm glad you finally discovered my website. Now you want to know more about me and how I can transform your playing and supercharge your ear. I'n the recognized leader in contemporary music education. I've taught thousands of musicians all over the world how to play piano by ear.

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